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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Compress your PDF (say, generated by Latex) using GSVIEW

I prefer to use high resolution image during my draft PDF generation (usually by latex). The same is true for word. Now, after latex compilation, you might see that the PDF size is quite BIG (Since images used are quite big)!

In order to compress, load the PDF in gsview and do File->Convert->PDF Write {leave all options as default or modify them according to your need}

Save the pdf in a new name and you are done

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How to crop PDF or EPS using GSVIEW

I imagine that your PDF  or EPS is already ready. You wan to crop it !
We will use GSVIEW for this
1. Open the PDF or EPS in GSVIEW
2. FILE->PS to EPS [Follow the instruction...Click left bottom. right bottom. right top and finally left top]
3. save it!

Sometimes gsview might say "An EPS file must be single page document"...To solve this problem do the following

Open your PDF...print only the current page using post script printer to an EPS format in A4 size. Now, gsview will not show that error.

Then open the EPS file (in A4 size, 1 page) in gsview and crop it using the steps mentioned above.

Do not hesitate to ask!